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Department of Agriculture, Gov. of Bihar
कृषि विभाग, बिहार सरकार
Online Farm Mechanization Application Software, Solution for Disbursement of Input Subsidy on Farm Machinery
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(Apply for Agricultural Machinery Repair Training (Residential) (Only for Samastipur, Darbhanga, Muzaffarpur, Begusarai, Vaishali, Bhagalpur, Munger, Banka, Katihar, Madhepura Districts)
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(Apply to get subsidy under SMAM-Custom Hiring Center )
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(Apply to get subsidy under SMAM-Special Custom Hiring Center (Only for Patna, Bhojpur, Kaimur, Buxar, Nalanda, Rohtas, Nawada, Aurangabad and Gaya Districts))
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कृषि यांत्रिकरण योजनान्तर्गत कृषि यंत्रों पर देय अनुदान वर्ष 2024-2025
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::: Manufacturer List :::
1.Select Implement :-
Aluminium ladder(3 meter & Above)
Animal Deterrent Bio-Acaustic Equipment-Electric Operated(With Solar Panel)
Animal Deterrent Bio-Acaustic Equipment-Electric Operated(Without Solar Panel)
Animal repellent Machine (Sound type) with Solar Panel
Boom Sprayer
Briquette Making Machine(Minimum 100 Kg/hr Capacity)
Brush Cutter(3-5 BHP)
Brush Cutter(Below 3 BHP petrol driven)
Bud chipper manual
Bund Former (Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Cage Wheel(one pair)
Chaff Cutter(Electric motor operated 5HP and above)
Chaff Cutter(Electric motor operated above 3-5HP)
Chaff Cutter(Engine operated 5HP and above)
Chaff Cutter(Engine operated above 3-5HP)
Chaff Cutter(Mannual Heavy Duty)-3 Roller, Shuking Type
Chaff Cutter(Manual)-2 Roller,Non-Shuking Type
Chaff Cutter(Power tiller/Tractor operated below 35 HP)
Chaff Cutter-Stationary Engine Operated (Upto 2 HP Electrict Motor)
Chaff cutter-Stationary Engine Operated(Upto 2 HP engine)
Chaff Cutter-Tractor PTO Operated(35 HP & Above)
Chisel plough(5-7 tyne)
Combine Harvester(S/P)
Combine Harvester(T/D)
Compost Spreader(40 HP & above)
Disc Harrow 2 Gang (Driven by Tractor)
Disc Harrow(T/D)
Disc Plough
Electric Mortar and Pestle(Electric Okhali) 1 HP Electric Motor Operated
Electric Weeder (above 1100 watt.)
Flour Mill(Electric motor operated 3 HP & above)
Hand Cranked Improved Chakki Machine
Hand tool okra for harvesting
Happy Seeder(9-11 tyne)
Hay rack (working width 1.0 M min.)
HDPE Irrigation Pipe
HDPE Laminated Woven Layflat Tube
HDPE Tarpaulin Sheet
High Cap.M.crop Thresher (Abv 35HP)Paddy,Maize,G.nut,etc, min 5crop atleast 1crop abv 4ton/hr cap.
Hydraulic Trailer
Jute Seeder (Manual) 4 Row
Laser Land Leveller
Leveller T/D (6 Feet & Above)
M.B.Plough 2-3 bottom(35 HP & Above)
Maize Combine Harvestor(S/P)
Maize Dehusker-cum-Sheller (Above 35 BHP Tractor Operated)
Maize Dehusker-cum-Sheller(T/D)
Maize Thresher (Driven by Tractor 20-35 BHP)
Makhana Popping Machine
Manual Agri. Imp. Kit (Improved Sickle, Serrated Sickle, Maize Sheller, Khurpi, Weeder and Kudal)
Manual Rocker Sprayer(Gator)
Metal Storage Bin (Dhatu Kothila) 5Qtn.,Wt. 22kg
Mini Dal Mill
Mini Oil Mill
Mini Rice Mill (Huller 500 kg/hr) Tractor Operated
Mini Rubber Rice Mill(Above 4 Q/hr Output Capacity)-Tractor operated
Multi Crop Planter (Driven by Tractor 20-35 BHP)
Multi Crop Planter(Above 9 tyne)
Multi Crop Planter(Upto 9 tyne)
Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Power tiller/Tractor upto 35 BHP)
Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor above 5 BHP)
Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor below 5 BHP)
Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Tractor 20-35 BHP)
Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Multi Row Seed drill (Manual) 3 Row
Multi Row Seed drill (Manual) 4 Row
Multi Row Seed drill (Manual) 5 Row
Multicrop Planter (Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
MultiCrop Seeder Auto depth Control (Driven by Tractor above 40 BHP)
Nail Weeder
Paddy Cleaner (Manual)
Paddy Straw Chopper(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Paddy Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor above 5 BHP)
Paddy Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor below 5 BHP)
Paddy Thresher(Driven by Power tiller/Tractor upto 35 BHP)
Paddy Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Paddy Transplanter(S/P) above 4-row
Paddy Transplanter(S/P) upto 4-row
Pedal Operated Paddy Thresher
Plant Protection Equip. Manual Duster
Plant Protection Equip. Manual Sprayer
Portable Sprinkler Set
Post Hole Digger
Potato Digger (Above 35 HP tractor operated)
Potato Planter(Above 35 HP)
Potato Planter(Below 35 HP)
Power Duster(Battery operated)
Power Duster(Engine operated)
Power Maize Sheller(Electric motor operated)
Power Maize Sheller(T/D)
Power Maize Thresher (Above 35 BHP Tractor Operated)
Power Maize Thresher(Electric motor operated)
Power Maize Thresher(T/D)
Power Sprayer(Battery operated)
Power Sprayer(Engine operated)
Power Tiller(8 Hp & Above)
Power Tiller(Below 8 Hp)
Power weeder (2-5 BHP)
Power weeder (Above 5 BHP)
Pump Set(Electric) Up to 10 HP
Raised Bed Planter (Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Reaper cum Binder(T/D)
Reaper-cum-Binder(s/p) 3 wheel
Reaper-cum-Binder(s/p) 4 wheel
Reversable M.B.Plough(Above 35 HP)
Reversable M.B.Plough(upto 35 HP)
Rice Mill (Electric motor operated 3 HP & above)
Rice Mill –cum- Pulverizer
Rice Wheat Seeder
Rotary Mulcher (35 HP & above)
Rotary slasher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Rotary Tiller(Driven by tractor 20-35 BHP)
Rotary Tiller(Driven by tractor above 35 BHP)
Rotavator(Driven by Tractor 20-35 BHP)
Rotavator(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Rotavator/Rotary Tiller (Driven by Tractor 20-35 BHP)
Rotavator/Rotary Tiller (Driven by Tractor Above 35 BHP)
Seed cum Fertilizer Drill(Above 9 tyne)
Seed cum Fertilizer Drill(Upto 9 tyne)
Seed Drill (35HP & above Tractor Driven)
Seed-cum-fertilizer drill-5 tyne
Self Propelled Reaper
Self-Propelled Power Paddy Weeder
Single Wheel Jute Weeder/Cycle Weeder (Manual)
Small Category Agriculture Drone
SMS (Straw Management System)
Solar Driers(Capacity-50kg & Above)
Solar Power Artificial Intelligent Pest Control Traps
Square Baler (working width min. 130 cm)
Straw Combine
Straw feeder(filling capacity 50-55 Q/h)
Straw Reaper
Sub-Soiler(3 tyne)
sugarcane crusher(15 HP & Above)
Sugarcane Cutter cum Planter(Above 35 HP)
Sugarcane Ratoon Management Equiment (Tractor operated)
sugarcane seed treatment Device(Capacity-3000 Sugarcane butts/30 minutes)
sugarcane seedling transplanter
Super Seeder (Tractor Operated)- 6 feet
Super Seeder (Tractor Operated)- 7 feet
Super Seeder (Tractor Operated)- 8 feet
Tea pluckers engine operated (Two Man Operated) working width min-1200 mm
Tea pluckers engine operated (One Man Operated) working width min-500 mm
Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor above 5 BHP)
Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor below 5 BHP)
Thresher(Driven by Power tiller/Tractor upto 35 BHP)
Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP)
Tractor 2WD(18-20 PTO HP)
Tractor 2WD/4WD(Up to 55 PTO HP)
Tractor 4WD(18-20 PTO HP)
Tractor mounted sprayer(Capacity-1000L)
Winnower (Manual)
Zero Tillage(Above 9 tyne)
Zero Tillage(upto 9 tyne)
2.Select Option for Manufacturer List :-